COS Annual Reports

The Center for Offshore Safety Annual Performance Report reflects the Center for Offshore Safety’s commitment to open communication and transparency of safety information, and to building collaboration and sharing between the industry, regulators, and the public. 

COS issues the Annual Performance Report based on member and other data derived from two of its programs - the Learning from Incidents and High Value Learning Events (LFI) program  and the Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) program. COS has been collecting and reporting data on a voluntary basis from members since 2013. The data reported for 2018 represent over 41 million work hours in the U.S. OCS.  

At the end of every SEMS 3-year audit cycle, the Annual Performance Report includes a summary of SEMS audit findings. Collectively, the LFI, SPI, and SEMS audit findings data provide direction for COS about areas in need of good practice development and other guidance

View COS Annual Performance Reports

Learning from Incidents and High Value Learning Events (LFI) Program

The LFI Program was established to provide a means for COS members to share and learn from incidents and High Value Learning Events (HVLE) that occur in offshore operations. The LFI section of this report provides an analysis and comparison of the SPI 1, SPI 2, and HVLE LFI data submitted for reporting years 2013 to 2018 and includes learnings that can be shared within companies to potentially prevent recurrence of similar or more severe incidents.

Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) Program

SPI data is intended to help identify potential weaknesses that can be mitigated through the development of preventative measures to stop the occurrence or recurrence of major offshore incidents.